Jeanette and Jerry had an absolutely beautiful wedding that I was honored to be a part of. Best wishes for many years of blissful marriage to them!
So 2017 and 2018 ended up being crazier than expected. My husband and I welcomed our first child into the world...6 weeks early and recovery from the emergency C-section was rough. I am officially back though! I've done a senior session and a wedding recently that I will be adding to the blog in the coming days. For any questions about sessions the best way to contact me for a fast response is via text (423-737-7022). With a toddler in the house I don't always find the time to check my email regularly and with all the spam callers these days I don't typically answer the phone if it is a number I don't recognize. Just FYI!
So 2017 has been a whirlwind of health issues, emotions, and joy. However, it took a toll on my photography business as I was not able to work due to complications with pregnancy. I'm happy to say that my sweet baby boy and myself are healthy and well. Here's to hoping 2018 will be a better year and I'll be back on my feet with my photography! Apologies to anyone who has tried to contact me in recent months...hospitalizations and lack of adequate sleep with my precious newborn have kept me from taking care of my business responsibilities. Updates on pricing and options are going to be made in the coming weeks for 2018. Thank you for your patience and understanding.
Just wanted to extend my deepest apologies for delayed responses to emails and for my lack of updating this blog and my business Facebook page. I have been dealing with extensive health issues and I've also been out of town for weeks on end to deal with some family illness/surgeries that kept me from having the energy to focus on my photography. In the coming weeks I will be updating this website and reaching out to everyone who has contacted me in recent months. Thank you for understanding.
I had the great honor of being able to photograph Amanda and Ryan's Maternity session this week. I couldn't be more excited with how their session turned out. They just shared their 10 year anniversary together and sometime towards the end of this month they will be welcoming their first baby into the world. This is such an exciting and beautiful time for this sweet couple. Here are a few of my favorite shots from their session. Enjoy! Congratulations to the both of you on the upcoming birth of your baby! You are going to be amazing parents and your child will always know great kindness and unconditional love.
Here are just a few photos from Joel and Jennifer's beautiful wedding in Lebanon, Tennessee. More will be posted to our facebook page later! Hope you enjoy! They had the cutest wedding favors: jars of honey with a "meant to Bee" tag on them. While we were taking photos outside a bee decided to join us on the Bride's bouquet. Meant to Bee for sure! This is the first time I have ever had a Bride with a cathedral veil so I was super excited about being able to shoot the "veil in the wind" pose! So much fun!
Check out more photos from this wedding on our Facebook page! Jennifer, I am so honored that you asked me to be the photographer at your wedding. I wish for you and Joel to have many great years together as husband and wife. Love, Chelsea Yesterday we participated in our first ever Bridal was super stressful, exciting, and ultimately an amazing experience. Big thank you to Matt and Mary Grace Wooten who were the hosts of the Simple Elegance Eastern Tn Bridal Show and to all the amazing vendors who came out to showcase their awesomeness! We had a blast meeting all the brides along with their significant others, family, and friends. We can't wait to participate again next year!
Check out the pictures from our awesome booth (sorry for the poor quality...they were taken with my phone).. Not too shabby for a first time Bridal Show Exhibitor... We are on the lookout for a few Seniors (Class of 2016 and Class of 2017) who would like to be Senior Representatives for Boone Studios during the coming year. As of right now we have three spots available and it's open to both male and females. Here's all the details for who qualifies and what you will get in return for being a Rep! Senior Reps Must:- agree to model for one regular and one mini Senior Portrait session during the next year. - have an active Facebook account where you can share your Senior portraits and tell your friends about Boone Studios. Having an Instagram account is a plus, but not required. - have parent or legal guardian's permission to participate, if you are under the age of 18. - be a current Junior or Senior at ANY of the Tri-Cities high schools. - be comfortable in front of a camera and take direction easily. - must "like" Boone Studios on Facebook and if possible follow us on Instagram. Rep Rewards:- One free regular Senior Portrait session (total savings: $100) - One free mini Senior Portrait session (total savings: $45) - 10 % off any Senior print packages (savings of up to $24) - For every Senior Session booked by a referral from you, you will get the choice of:
How to Apply:Simply go to our Contact Us page and fill out the quick message form!
Let us know your name and your email address so we can contact you. Then in the message section tell us a little about yourself. - What high school do you attend? When will you graduate? - Do you play sports? Instruments? Have any cool hobbies? - What is your favorite season of the year? - Why do you want to be a Senior Rep for Boone Studios? Your answers can be short and sweet, as long as they are completely honest. We look forward to hearing from you! The first Senior to respond to this inquiry will automatically begin the process of becoming a Rep. The remaining two slots will be chosen based on the number of Seniors that apply and their answers to our questions listed above. If there is a large amount of applicants (within the month of February) then we will select our top 5-10 applicants and have a Facebook competition for the most "likes" to pick our lucky winners of this amazing opportunity! All the snow this past week made for some great snowy portraits. I absolutely loved my last minute mini-session with Christy yesterday. She was a trooper out in the cold weather in shin deep snow. If you are intersted in a snowy portrait session then please contact me for more details on how to book a session and what to expect! For more photos from this session check us out on Facebook!
For starters, I have had a photograph published in the local newspaper before. However, up until this week I have never been featured via multiple news outlets. I posted a short video to my Instagram account (to see the video and/or follow me : chelsea_boonestudios) and I recieved word that someone had seen my video on The Weather Channel and then I googled my video and found that it had been featured on Huffington Post Originals, Yahoo Sports, and Fox5 Atlanta. Needless to say, I was pretty stoked! Here are some screen shots from my phone from where I found my video! There was nothing incrediably special about the video, but it did accurately display the snowfall that I witnessed from my back deck on Wednesday, January 20th!
![]() ~Chelsea~ Archives
November 2019